The Revision Process Demystified: From First Draft to Polished Manuscript

Writing a first draft is a significant achievement, but transforming that initial effort into a polished manuscript is where the magic happens. The revision process can be daunting so we’ve put together a step-by-step guide to editing your manuscript. It is in this refinement that your work will truly shine. 

Taking a Break: Gaining a Fresh Perspective

The first step in the revision process is to take a break. Once you’ve completed your first draft, put it aside and don’t look at it for at least a few weeks. This break allows you to return to work with fresh eyes and a clearer mind.

Big Picture Revisions: Structural Changes

When you first return to your manuscript, focus on the big picture. This involves looking at the overall structure of your story. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does the plot make sense?
  • Are there any plot holes or inconsistencies?
  • Do the characters have clear motivations and development arcs?
  • Is the pacing effective?

Note any major changes needed. This stage of the revision process will form a scaffold for your story and help build a solid structure before you get bogged down with details. 

Scene-by-Scene Analysis: Enhancing Story Elements

Next, conduct a scene-by-scene analysis. Break your story into scenes and examine how they flow together and if they are pushing the story forward.  Evaluate each scene for:

  • Purpose: Does the scene contribute to the plot or a character?
  • Conflict: Is there tension or conflict driving the scene?
  • Engagement: Does the scene keep readers interested?

Rewriting or cutting scenes that don’t serve a clear purpose can be the saving grace of a novel.  In William Faulkner’s words, “don’t be afraid to kill your darlings”.  

Character Development: Deepening Connections

Characters are the heart of your story. During the revision process, pay close attention to character development. Ensure your characters are well-rounded and believable. Consider the following:

  • Consistency: Are characters’ actions and dialogue consistent with their established personalities?
  • Growth: Do characters evolve throughout the story?
  • Relationships: Are interactions between characters dynamic and meaningful?

Strengthening character arcs can significantly enhance your manuscript’s emotional impact.

Dialogue Revisions: Authentic and Engaging

Refining dialogue can improve readability and character authenticity. Look for:

  • Natural Speech: Does the dialogue sound like real conversations?
  • Voice: Does each character have a distinct way of speaking?
  • Subtext: Is there underlying meaning or tension in the conversations?

Effective dialogue can reveal character traits and advance the plot without exposition.

Prose Polishing: Refining Your Writing Style

Now, it’s time to focus on your prose. This stage of the revision process involves:

  • Clarity: Are your sentences clear and concise?
  • Flow: Does your writing have a smooth, rhythmic flow?
  • Word Choice: Are your words precise and impactful?

Eliminate unnecessary words, vary sentence structure, and ensure your writing style enhances the story’s mood and tone.

Consistency Checks: Maintaining Continuity

This part of the revision process includes checking for:

  • Timeline: Is the chronology of events logical and consistent?
  • Details: Are descriptions of characters, settings, and objects consistent throughout the story?
  • Style: Are grammar, punctuation, and formatting consistent?

Attention to detail in consistency checks prevents reader confusion and maintains immersion. The goal is to suspend the disbelief of the reader. If a reader begins doubting the believability of certain elements of a story, it is lost.

Feedback and Beta Readers: Gaining External Perspectives

No writer can spot all their own mistakes. Incorporate external feedback into your revision process by:

  • Sharing your manuscript with beta readers or critique partners.
  • Asking for specific feedback on plot, characters, and pacing.
  • Being open to constructive criticism and willing to make changes.

External perspectives provide valuable insights and highlight issues you have missed.

Professional Editing: The Final Polish

For the final stage of the revision process, consider hiring a professional editor. A professional can help:

  • Catch any remaining errors or inconsistencies.
  • Provide expert advice on improving your manuscript.
  • Ensure your manuscript meets industry standards.
  • Investing in professional editing can elevate your manuscript from good to exceptional.

If you do hire an editor, make sure you do your research and employ a reputable editor who is the right fit for your genre and style of writing.

Preparing for Submission: Final Touches

The last step in the revision process is preparing your manuscript for submission. This includes:

  • Writing a synopsis.
  • Writing a logline.
  • Formatting your manuscript according to submission guidelines.
  • Researching and selecting appropriate agents or publishers.
  • A polished manuscript and a professional submission package increase your chances of success.

The revision process involves a series of structured steps that transform your first draft into a polished manuscript. You can significantly enhance your work by following these steps and treating it as an essential part of your writing process. Check out our Creative Writing Academy courses to learn more about crafting and refining your stories.

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Written by: Fiona Byrne

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